Shyamashree Multispeciality Hospital


Our Nephrology Department at Shyamshree Hospital is committed to providing the best treatment to patients suffering from kidney diseases. We recognize the critical role kidneys play in overall health, and our skilled nephrologists are dedicated to providing comprehensive and compassionate kidney care. We strive to improve the lives of those affected by kidney diseases with the latest technology and a patient-centered approach.

Why Choose us?

We perform specialized tests to accurately assess kidney health and diagnose underlying conditions, including kidney function tests, imaging tests, and psychometrics. We provide and ensure hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis services for patients with advanced renal impairment to be highly individualized treatments. Our nephrologists work closely with patients to effectively manage hypertension, prevent further kidney damage, and promote overall heart health. Our Nephrology department features advanced dialysis units, transplant evaluation facilities, and dedicated consultation rooms to ensure a comfortable and effective experience for our patients. Preventing kidney disease is our top priority. We host community outreach programs, kidney health screenings, and educational events to raise awareness about kidney health, early detection, and lifestyle changes to prevent kidney failure.