Shyamashree Multispeciality Hospital


The Department of Hepatology at Shyamshree Hospital provides specialized care for liver-related conditions. Understanding the vital role the liver plays in your overall health, our nephrologists are here to provide comprehensive, compassionate, and personalized care to patients with liver disease We aim to give individuals with liver disease-affected lives have been improved by cutting-edge treatments and an approach to patients

Why Choose us?

With tests to evaluate your liver health and comprehensive tests to rule out any liver-related conditions, we understand the challenges faced by individuals dealing with liver diseases. Our dedicated team provides personalized care, support and guidance throughout your healing journey. We put your comfort and well-being first, ensuring you receive the best possible care every step of the way.

Prevention is key to maintaining a healthy liver. We conduct awareness campaigns, research, and education programs to promote liver health and raise awareness in our communities about the importance of early detection and prevention of liver diseases.