What is Hemorrhoid? Types | Symptoms and Prevention

Hemorrhoids are swollen and inflamed veins in the rectum and anus causing discomfort and bleeding. Despite it being experienced globally, people are often embarrassed and prefer to keep it a secret. In this essay, we will understand Hemorrhoids, its causes, symptoms and prevention.
What are Hemorrhoids ?
Hemorrhoids are also known as Piles. Hemorrhoids are swollen and enlarged veins around the anus and rectum. The veins are naturally present but with increased pressure, they can bulge and cause discomfort.
What are the types of Hemorrhoids ?
- Internal Hemorrhoids : These are formed inside the rectum and are painless.
- External Hemorrhoids : These are developed under the skin around the anus and are quite painful.
What are the symptoms of Hemorrhoids ?
- Painful anal itching
- bright red bleeding after bowel movements
- Feeling like you haven’t finished your bowel movements
- Mucus discharge after wiping
- A lump near the anus
What are the causes of Hemorrhoids ?
- Straining during bowel movements
- Pregnancy
- Being underweight or overweight
- low fiber diet
- aging
How to prevent Hemorrhoids ?
- High fiber diet
- Stay hydrated
- Exercise regularly
- Don’t strain during bowel movements
- Maintain a healthy weight
How to manage Hemorrhoids ?
- Sitz baths
- Pain management
- Cold compresses
- Loose clothing
- HMaintain hygiene
What are the complications of Hemorrhoids ?
- Anemia
- Prolapsed hemorrhoid
- Strangulated hemorrhoid
Hemorrhoids are a common condition which can have a drastic impact on an individual’s life. It is necessary to understand the symptoms, causes, prevention, and management. Shyamashree Hospital is the best multispeciality hospital in Puri. Book an appointment today and get yourself treated and say goodbye to Hemorrhoids.